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Kisi-Kisi Soal UTS Sem Gasal, Seni Budaya Kelas XI MM 2013/2014 Samsung NX300, Kamera Dengan Auto Fokus Super Cepat Terobosan Terbaru Ponsel 5G Samsung Segera Hadir. May 05, 2019 Soal Toefl PBT ini sudah dilengkapi jawaban benar (pembahasan soal). Sepuluh soal ini dapat Anda gunakan sebagai latihan menghadapi ujian/tes toefl untuk mendapatkan score toefl rata-rata 500 hingga 550. Kisi-kisi soal Toefl PBT ini tidak berbentuk pdf sehingga Anda dengan mudah menyimpannya di komputer atau laptop Anda.

Kisi-Kisi Soal UTS Sem Gasal. Tag Archives: latihan soal toeic reading. SOAL LATIHAN READING AND LANGUAGE FEATURES. January 4, 2018 Santoso Leave a comment. SOAL LATIHAN READING AND LANGUAGE FEATURES REPORT and IF TEXT for quest. No 1 – 3: Although a jaguar does not live in Asia, it is famous there because there is a. Terakhir.7/31/2015 Contoh Soal Test TOEIC Terlengkap Cuplikan Contoh Soal Test TOEIC pembahasan ContohSoal Test TOEIC Untuk referensi awal ada baiknya saya memberikan beberapa cuplikan soal sebagai gambaran mengenai soal test yang akan dihadapi saat menghadapi uji test toeic.

1. Because the equipment is very delicate, it must be handled with....
d carefully
2. if the client...dissatisfied, please have him write a letter
d . be
3, my acquaintance with Mr.broughton started as a bussiness relathionship and be came a ....
d. friendship
4. the train will be arriving... Tokyo in ten minutes.
d. at
5. the meeting was postponed because the typists weren't able to get the time
d. does

6. If the receptionists is unable to answer yout question, Ms. Takai you
a. can
b. did
c. couldn't
d. wouldn't
7. we rely on Ms. Lee for her exprience, sensitivy and ...advice
d. wiser
8. Mr. Moore expects to ....about 20.000 dollar next year
d. Income
9. The secretary asked a clerk to check the report for typing
d. errant
10. Mr. Kim is considered one the most honest... most hardworking members of the finance team.
d. with
11. the retirement luncheon has been changed from 12.00 .... 12.45
d. by
12. the president of the company.... to korea for an important conference
d. go
13. since Mr. Hasan attends afternnon classes. he ... the night shift
d. always will be working
14. The copy machine has benn installed... the two offices
d. from
15. The student intern needs permission to take time off for a ... interview.
d. chore
16. The empolyees at the factory eat lunch at the cafeteria at least...
d. twice a week
17. Employess must turn off the lights...they leave the office
d. because
18.... it was the office manager's birthday. the secretaries sent her roses
d. while

Kisi So

19. Employess of the KICI corporation are encouraged to do exercises...during their breaks.
d. day by day
20. the opretor was not be able to find the address...telephone number.

Kisi Kisi Soal Toeic Kelas

d. eventhough

Kunci Jawaban
1. pada nomor 1 terdapat kata 'delicate' lembut dan be handled with .. pasti saja ini soal meaning . mengartikan jawabannya adalah C. care
2. b. is
3. d. friendship
4. b. in
5. b. done
6. a. can
7. a. wisdom
8. b. earn
9. a. errands
10. b. to
11. b. to
12. a. went
13. b. will always be working
14. d. from
15. c. golf
16. d. twice a week
17. b. before
18. d. while
19. a. oftentimes
20. a. or

Kisi Kisi Soal Toeic Online

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Kisi Kisi Soal Toeic 2

Contoh Soal Tes Toefl PBT - Pada Postingan kami sebelumnya mengenai Apa perbedaan dari PBT, CBT, IBT Test TOEFLsudah kami jelaskan pengertian dari PBT-TOEFL. Namun tidak salah jika kami ulas lagi mengenai pengertian PBT-TOEFL.
PBT-TOEFL (Paper Based Test) adalah bentuk TOEFL Test yang pertama kali dikeluarkan oleh ETS. Sistem test pada PBT-TOEFL menggunakan paper atau lembaran-lembaran kertas soal dan lembar jawaban yang harus diisi dengan pensil 2B. Materi yang diujikan dulu adalah Listening, Structure, dan Reading dengan score range 310 – 677. Lama waktu test adalah 2 – 2,5 jam.

Contoh Soal Tes Toefl PBT Online Terbaru Gratis Pembahasannya

Apakah saat ini Anda mencari soal Toefl PBT (Paper Based Test) gratis/free. Jika ia berarti tempat ini pas buat Anda. Disini ada sepuluh soal Toefl PBTOnline yang bisa Anda miliki tanpa download.
Baca juga: Les Privat Toefl di Kota Medan (Jadwal Bebas)
Soal Toefl PBT ini sudah dilengkapi jawaban benar (pembahasan soal). Sepuluh soal ini dapat Anda gunakan sebagai latihan menghadapi ujian/tes toefl untuk mendapatkan score toefl rata-rata 500 hingga 550.
Kisi-kisi soal Toefl PBT ini tidak berbentuk pdf sehingga Anda dengan mudah menyimpannya di komputer atau laptop Anda. Baiklah tanpa berpanjang lebar sebaiknya Anda mengerjakan kumpulan soal Toefl PBTberikut ini:
Choose the appropriate options to complete the sentences
1. The notion of the state and the notion of war are said ---- in ancient Sumer and later Egypt.
A) to be emerged
B) to have emerged
C) having been emerged
D) being emerged
E) to emerge
2. The guitar is an instrument that ---- around since the 1500s, but it ---- several big transformations during its history.
A) had been / has undergone
B) was / underwent
C) has been / has undergone
D) would be / was undergoing
E) has been / undergoes
3. You ---- what you heard as it was highly confidential.
A) must not have repeated
B) might not repeat
C) shouldn't have repeated
D) needn't be repeated
E) don't have to repeat
4. I never forget ---- my temper when my wife shouted at me, although now i regret ---- so.
A) to lose / doing
B) losing / having done
C) having lost / to do
D) to have lost / to have done
E) being lost / having been done
5. When the tower ---- to the public a decade ago, officials said it ---- open again in just a few years.
A) closed / had been
B) was closed / has been
C) would be closed / would be
D) was closing / was
E) was closed / would be
6. Women's Aid is a UK charity ---- aim is to end domestic violence against women and children.
A) who
B) whose
C) which
D) what
E) whom
7. James was so busy ---- for the exam that he didn't have time ---- with his friends.
A) to study / to spend
B) having studied / spending
C) to be studying / being spent
D) being studied / spending
E) studying / to spend
8. Some people don't know ---- they're meeting their daily requirements through their diet.
A) which
B) why
C) where
D) whether or not
E) whatever
9. ---- smoking can reduce the risk of ---- many smoking related illnesses.
A) To give up / being contracted
B) Giving up / contracting
C) To be given up / contracting
D) Giving up / to contract
E) Being given up / being contracted
10. Heavy metal had its peak popularity in the 1980s, ---- many of the now existing sub-genres first evolved.
A) why
B) at which
C) where
D) that
E) during which

Jawaban Soal Tes Toefl PBT Online Terbaru Gratis

1. B) to have emerged
2. C) has been / has undergone
3. C) shouldn't have repeated
4. B) losing / having done
5. E) was closed / would be
6. B) whose
7. E) studying / to spend
8. D) whether or not
9. B) Giving up / contracting
10. E) during which
Demikian tulisan kami kali ini mengenaiContoh Soal Tes Toefl PBT Online Terbaru Gratis Pembahasannya. Semoga tulisan kami kali ini bermanfaat dan kami ucapkan terimakasih atas kunjungan Anda. Baca tulisan kami mengenai toefl lainnya!